The intellectual prostitutes who occupy certain University "chairs" in the "Science" of "Economics" — "chairs" endowed by the donations, and the tax-exempt foundations, of the 'Meta-Nazi', 'Rocke-Nazi', ruling plutocracy — in turning their "tricks" for their employers, propound models of markets in which each buyer in a given capital asset market represents an "infinitesimal" — an "infinitely small" — portion of the buying power in that market.
Based upon such — "infinitely" unrealistic — "models", these intellectual prostitutes tell you that no single buyer can have any effect whatsoever upon the "equilibrium" price of any capital asset which that buyer buys, as a result of that purchase.
In reality, each actual capital asset buyer represents a finite share of the buying power within each actual capital asset market in which that buyer buys.
As the "lawful" evolution of the social system of capital continues — as the accumulation of capital-value ensues — competition increasingly becomes successful competition [for the surviving capitals], which therefore increasingly becomes oligopoly and monopoly ownership of the economy [and thereby, also, becomes the plutocracy's ownership of an increasingly prostituted political state].
Predominating finite shares of capital asset market potential purchasing power — dwarfing those of all other market participants — thereby accumulate in ever fewer hands; in the hands of certain single plutocratic families, and of other plutocratic entities.
The ruling, 'Rocke-Nazi' faction of the capitalist plutocracy,
using its massive concentrations of wealth, via a 'reverse money
laundering' disguise of the unitary source of the deployed funds,
can, by issuing massive numbers and currency-amounts of buy orders
for a given class of capital assets, via a vast number of independent broker-agents,
drive capital asset price inflation in a given capital-asset market.
Then, later, by issuing massive numbers and currency-amounts of sell orders, also disguised, through a vast number of independent broker-agents, as to their unitary origin, they can induce a catastrophic deflation in the capital-asset prices of that same capital market.
They profit in the process, but, mainly, they destroy the targeted capital asset class, eliminating the 'econo-political power' of that potential rival, by thereby enabling these 'Rocke-Nazi' perpetrators to subsequently send in their "carpetbaggers", to buy-out control of the targeted, bankrupted capital assets for "pennies on the dollar".
This is especially true if the targeted capital asset class is the currency of a given nation, and if other agents of the 'Rocke-Nazis' had offered seductive terms to their targeted companies in that nation, and/or, to the state of that given nation, for loans denominated in U. S. dollars, loans that require pay-back in U. S. dollars.
A loan nominally contracted at, say, a 10% interest rate when that nation's currency price is, say, on a one-to-one par with the U. S. dollar, becomes a 50% interest rate, after the 'Rocke-Nazi'-induced bubble bursts, and that nation's currency price plummets to, say, a 5-to-1 relationship to the U.S. dollar.
Relating implicitly to these hypotheses on 'Bubble Engineering', the content of the following video-clip might be worth your considering: North American Union and V-Chip Truth